May they Rest in Peace
We've dedicated this fullpage to our wonderful dogs who have blessed our lives with their presence. They will forever be a part of our hearts.

Lady Susan Katherine
2003 - 2014

Golden Miracles would have never been in existence if it wasn't for Susie. Susie gave to us our first Miracle. Her love for us was loyal and never-ending. She loved us with her whole being and we were richly blessed to have had her in our lives. Her legacy will continue to live on forever through her children and grandchildren and for generations to come. Susie will never be forgotten. She left her paw prints on our hearts.
Miracle One Curtis
2007 - 2017

What can be said about our Miracle One? She was a special kind of crazy, really. She was diagnosed as a "False Pregnancy" but she was anything but false...unexpected yes, but false? Never! She had issues that are unique to being a Singleton.
I truly believe that she swore to her mom, Susie, that she would never give birth to just one pup because she wouldn't want him or her to grow up as an only child. So she had 13 puppies on her first litter and then had 11 puppies her second litter. She proved to us that she was nothing short of amazing and she proved to other puppy mommas out there that they didn't have anything on her!
She seemed to rise to every occasion and proved to us over and over she would beat out all the odds that were placed against her. She was sprayed by a stink bug in the eyes and went temporarily blind. She eventually gained her eyesight back but how crazy was that?!? She would help us train our new moms how to clean and take care of their babies. If something would happen to one of our puppies, we would always go get Miracle to help tend to them and she would. Whatever we asked of her, she did and she did it exceptionally well.
When she became sick, we did all that we could and she fought with all her might. One morning, she told me goodbye as I walked out the door to go to work. I couldn't look back because I knew and she told me that she knew too. We both knew that there were new Miracles ahead of her but not here on earth.
We will forever cherish the memories of our Miracle One. You see, our goldens are just Miracles with Paws. She taught us that and we love her for it.
Golden Romeo Bear
2008 - 2021

Our Golden Romeo Bear "Romeo" was our AKC American Golden Retriever male. We searched for a long time for him and found him in Mobile, AL. He was such a wonderful addition to our family and was the Golden part of the "Golden Miracles" namesake.
He was such a good boy and so fun always carrying the balls in his mouth. He made precious babies that all turned out to be wonderful members of so many families.
We retired Romeo in 2014 but he continued on living with us until he had an opportunity to become a special member of a wonderful family to help a single mom with her two young sons. Romeo slept between them every night and watched over their every moves for a few years. He was very gifted at being their "old man" as they called him.
As Romeo was nearing the Rainbow Bridge, his two little boys knew that his time was getting close so they insisted on being with him as long as they could. With each of them having an arm around him they drifted off to sleep.
Romeo was at peace as he crossed over Rainbow Bridge knowing his life had made a very special impact on his two little humans as well as all of us.
So now, when I call out "Romeo, Romeo...where's you be at?" I know the answer and I know that he probably is running around with at least three balls in his mouth.