Chapter 1: In the Beginning

Miracle - Retired and Loving It!
Our story first began when Susie gave birth to our sweet girl, Miracle One. Susie was diagnosed by the vet as "she's not pregnant but she is experiencing a false pregnancy" condition. He advised us of what the false pregnancy would encompass...which is basically everything except the birth of real puppies. He explained that as Susie got closer to her "false due date" she would do things just like she was actually pregnant. She did get bigger, produced milk, began nesting, etc. He had also warned us that when she began having her "false puppies" that she would begin gathering her babies. She did exactly that. She began gathering things about 30 minutes to an hour apart. She ended up with 8 "false puppies" which consisted of 5 toys, two socks and a slipper. Susie would become very upset if we tried to take one of her babies from her. A day or so after her "fake puppies" were born, she became very restless and her body temperature began dropping. Since we had never had puppies before - we had no clue that she was actually about to go into labor. We went on to bed that night and the next morning, we were surprised to find one sweet baby nursing on Susie. Miracle is far from being "false." She became the most amazing "unexpected" addition to our family.
Chapter Two: From One Miracle to Many More
The following year, we allowed Susie to breed again and she gave birth to a litter of 8. We never could have dreamed that we would find so much joy in raising puppies. We then knew in our hearts that we needed to experience in that type of joy again and our Golden Miracles family slowly but surely began to grow. Over the years, not only have we added Golden Retrievers to our family but we have also added their humans to our Golden Miracles family. What amazing relationships have developed through the love of our precious Golden Miracles!
Chapter 3: Adding Cream Makes Everything Better
Adding English Cream to our American Golden Retriever family has been a Dream Come True! The "English Cream" Golden Retrievers are the European Golden Retrievers. Our English Cream Golden family has grown with imports from Ukraine and Bulgaria as well as descendants from all over Europe. We are very fortunate to have to offer such wonderful pedigrees to our puppy buyers.
Chapter 4: Our Cup Runneth Over
Listen y'all...we are seriously running out of room! If we continue to add more beautiful Goldens to our working family, then we will need to move out and have a kennel-type system. Truth is, we care too much about our pets to do that. So as we continue to grow, we are looking for special loving Fosters/Co-Owner Families to help raise and eventually own one of our precious ones. We are looking for local families (within 100 miles) that would like to be a part of our Golden Miracles program. If you are interested, please let us know and we will contact you of the details.